Fox 29’s Good Day Philadelphia with SallyAnn Mosey (Oct. ’10).
Television Interviews
Print Articles
Article by UN-based international news wire Inter-Press Services (Aug. ’10).
Living in Holmdel Magazine article (Sep. ’09).
Teen Voices Magazine article (Oct. ’10).
iaam Magazine article (Oct. ’10).
Asbury Park Press article (Feb. ’07).
Sara’s interview with Eleanor O’Sullivan of the Asbury Park Press (Feb. ’07).
Radio Interview
Sara’s interview with Ernie and Jay on KRLD (Dec. ’08).
School Assemblies
Sara’s school assemblies held to talk about her writing experiences (Spring ’07).
Sara’s school assembly held to inspiring aspiring writers (Spring ’07).
My9 New Jersey’s Stop the Bullying panel with Brenda Blackmon (Oct. ’10).
NBC10 Philadelphia’s The 10! Show with Bill Henley & Lori Wilson (Feb. ’09).
6ABC’s New Visions (Feb. ’09).
NBC’s Today in New York with Erika Tarantal (Nov. ’08).
Diane Sawyer’s personal invitation to visit Good Morning America (Jan. ’08).
NBC’s Weekend Today in New York with Carolyn Gusoff (Oct. ’07).
© 2013 Sara Samarasinghe
Rupavahini Channel Eye’s Rise and Shine (Jan. ’14).
Sunday Lakbima article (May ’10).